STAR FUT CAMP 2019 from Intención Deportiva on Vimeo.

The first generation of Star Fut Camp was held from the 8th to the 19th of July of 2019, in the Borregos Sports Center from the Monterrey Institute of Higher Education.

With 10 days of camp and around 70 hours of entertainment and fun, more than 200 kids assisted to the event. They enjoyed from learning, and fun social cohesion activities hand in hand with experts: Damian Alvrez and Aldo de Nigris.

Also, in this generation we had guests who spoke with the children about different topics, such as nutrition, first aid, etc. In this edition we had the company of special guests like: Nahuel Gúzman, Rogelio Funes Mori; Blanca Solis, Paulina Solis, and Alexia Espinoza from Tigres Female League; who interacted with them and answered their questions.

We had the presence of different sponsors such as: Buffalo Wild Wings, La mensajeria, Bahuer, Powerade, Heb, InnovaSport, Pruvit, Farmacias del Ahorro and the Government of Nuevo León.


Special Guests & Fun